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Parking Garage Ramps – Lasting Waterproofing

After successfully completing a series of concrete repair and waterproofing projects over the last few years at a commercial building located close to the intersection of Hwy 7 and Edgeley Blvd in Vaughan, we were asked to provide a lasting solution for their parking garage ramp which was quite deteriorated.

There were multiple cracks throughout the ramp surface, and on the sides, there had been water penetration through the cold joints (where the ramp meets the walls), causing humidity. The area around the drain at the bottom of the ramp had to be waterproofed as well.

Repair Method

To ensure lasting results, before a waterproofing membrane could be installed, the surface was repaired. The first step, as always, consisted of doing the prep work by griding over the entire area of the ramp. All the cracks were repaired next – they were opened up a bit more, cleaned out, primed with adhesive, and filled with a specialised crack filling material. The entire ramp was then coated with an epoxy-based primer, which included aggregates for an enhanced grip (to ensure the membrane would be installed properly), and left to cure.

The following day, a polyurea-based membrane was sprayed on, with aggregates added, to ensure the ramp would not be slippery. Finally, another layer of polyurea was applied.

Learn more about the waterproofing solutions we have to offer for commercial and high-rise residential parking garages by visiting this page:

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