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Portfolio: Utility Room Floor Fully Protected


Scarborough, ON

Repair Types:

Crack Repair, patching, basalt coating

Such rooms normally represent a special challenge in terms of maintenance: water and oil leak from the machinery, right onto the concrete, leading to its damage and deterioration. We provide a long-lasting solution that ensures great-looking floors thanks to the use of our specialized materials.

Floor Restoration

Getting the flooring completely restored is a matter of three steps:

  1. The floor is shaved to remove paint and any other contaminants and oils. Having clean and exposed concrete is a must in order to ensure proper installation.

  2. Primer is applied. Our Polyforce Plus waterproofing primer anchors itself to concrete so perfectly that even if the new paint on top of it get scratched, the concrete will remain protected.

  3. The surface is painted while the primer is still curing: this creates adhesion between paint and concrete, so the paint cannot delaminate. This layer of paint serves both as a decorative coating and a second protective layer.


If the room needs patching, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Delaminated and unsound concrete is removed.

  2. Polyforce Plus Adhesive is applied as an adhesive layer. Its impressive 1.85 MPa adhesive strength ensures monolithic bond.

  3. Within 40 minutes, the patch is applied. Regular cement is used to install the patch. Patches requiring less than a ¼ inch thickness are done with Polyforce Polymer Cement.

Crack Repair

All crack repairs are done by following a three-step process:

  1. Cracks are routed with a saw to create a V-groove to prep the area for repair.

  2. Cracks are treated with Polyforce Plus Adhesive which ensures immediate and durable installation.

  3. Cracks are filled with Polyforce Polymer Cement to complete the repair.

Now the floor is as good as new, if not even better-looking and more durable!

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