Portfolio: High-Rise Building Flat Roof Polyurea Membrane
Scarborough, ON
Repair Types:
Concrete crack repair, patching, membrane application.
Fixing a flat roof requires crack repair and patching ahead of roof membrane application. Each flat roof membrane installation and design is specified by the engineering consultant. Throughout our portfolio of flat roof membrane installations, we have had experience with most of the typical membrane types.
Concrete Crack Repair
Traditionally speaking, two slabs of concrete cannot be glued together when there is a crack.
This, however, is not the case through the use of our specialized materials which make monolithic 1.85 MPa adhesion possible.
Not only can we repair concrete but also restore it to its original condition, even when wet. It works both on single cracks and concrete surfaces with multiple issues - no need for complete resurfacing. Such rehabilitation is even done on concrete surfaces that are combined with metal structures.
The following process is applied:
Cracks are routed with a saw to create a V-groove to prep the area for repair.
The crack is filled with Polyforce Plus Adhesive which ensures immediate and durable monolithic adhesion.
The crack is patched with the polymer cement.
Waterproofing Polyforce Plus Primer is applied over the area.
Under traditional repair methods, patching requires a minimum of two-inch demolition in the affected area.
The use of our unique products, Polyforce Plus, and polymer cement, permits thin-patch applications, making the job much more cost-efficient and faster.
Our patching process is as follows:
Delaminated and unsound concrete is removed.
Polyforce Plus Adhesive is applied as an adhesive layer. Its impressive 1.85 MPa adhesive strength ensures monolithic adhesion.
Within 40 minutes, the actual patch is applied. On very thin patches (less than a ¼ of an inch), Polyforce Polymer Cement is used; otherwise, regular cement.
Polyurea-based membrane application
We use a polyurea-based highly resilient super-polymer two-component material designed to aid in the protection of building infrastructure. Its unprecedented qualities allow application of any thickness at temperatures below freezing.
It is an environmentally friendly spray-on membrane that can be applied to a variety of surface types, seamlessly covering all joints, able to withstand widely variable temperatures.